

US RFID credentials – an update

I blogged back in February about Chris Paget’s successful attempts to read US-issued RFID credentials while simply driving past their owners… so I was a little surprised to see the same “news” cropping up in this article from Saturday’s LA…

An accurate (non-biometric) picture

Posted on 10th July 2009 At last, there’s an article which thoroughly exposes some of the nonsense which has been talked about ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) ‘requirements’ and biometric passports. It’s by John Lettice, writing in The Register, and…

IP@ = PII v ¬PII?

Apologies for the rather opaque title of this post. In its expanded form, it would read something like this: “IP addresses: are they personally identifiable information within the meaning of the law, or not?”… but that would be a bit…

Doctorow's DIY Digital Deed-box

Interesting piece here about Cory Doctorow’s search for a solution to the problem of what to do with your “digital legacy”. Now that so much of our lives is lived/captured/stored digitally, it’s far more likely that our executors and relatives…