Identity Assurance Program

We are the only organization able to assess identity products and services against the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) 800-63 guidance for identity privacy and security
In the US, we operate an Identity Assurance Framework (IAF). Under the IAF, specialist identity assessors evaluate Identity Proofing and Credential Management services to determine their conformance to published Service Assessment Criteria (SAC).  We then award a Trust Mark to those products and services that conform to the published SAC.

What criteria are Identity Service Providers assessed against?

The IAF Service Assessment Criteria are owned and published by Kantara Initiative. In the US, they include the requirements of NIST SP 800-63 rev.3.  Identity Service Providers (IDSP) and Credential Services Providers (CSP) identify the criteria which best relate to their service(s). The service to be assessed may cover the entire scope of our Service Assessment Criteria. 

Alternatively, an IDSP or CSP may select individual component parts of their service, allowing them to incorporate those components into other identity services.  In addition, we consider further criteria which assess governance and information security management,  as well as the good standing of the IDSP or CSP’s business.

US Certification

Become a certified Identity Service Provider

Visit the most popular pages for organizations considering certification against NIST 800-63-3.

A Kantara Trust Mark offers assurance that certified identity services conform to the strictest of security and privacy standards

Consider having your identity service assessed against the Kantara Identity Assurance Framework

Click here to be taken to our Trust Status List of approved service providers, registered applicants and assessors

Explore the Classes of Approval available to Identity & Credential Service Providers and the Service Assessment Criteria (SAC) applicable to each Class


Assessors are dedicated experts in identity assurance, providing impartial and reliable expertise. The assessors listed are licensed to perform assessments on our behalf

Review the 6-stage process we use to create the SAC against which identity services are assessed

"Having a Kantara-approved solution provides us with a recognized industry-standard certification that helps differentiate us from other solutions in the marketplace."
"Neutral bodies such as Kantara help provide assurance that companies like us have met the rigorous requirements in government policies and standards that ultimately provide benefit to the end user."

Demonstrate your leadership in the field of identity!

In addition to certification, we offer a comprehensive membership package, supporting members with profile-raising activity including conference and media presentations and report authorship. Members can also take on leadership roles in our Work Groups and Committees and on the Kantara Board of Directors.