UK Certification Programme

Helping you meet all the requirements of the UK government's Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework (DIATF)

Why certification matters - and why choose Kantara Initiative

Certification is essential if a framework is to secure trust across all stakeholder groups. The best way of delivering trust in our industry is by creating a standard approach so that organisations requiring identity services can feel confident in their choice of products or technologies. 

In 2022, the UK Accreditation Service (UKAS) accredited Kantara Initiative along with 4 other certification bodies (CBs) to manage an independent and consistent assessment process.

Kantara Initiative has been delivering identity assessments since 2014.  In the US, our Trust Marks are the only ones recognised by the National Institute for Standards & Technology (NIST). (See Special Publication 800-63.)

Our assessors are dedicated identity, privacy and security specialists. They will guide you through the process to help make it as pain-free as possible.

A Kantara Trust Mark is recognised globally. It demonstrates that your product doesn’t just meet regulatory requirements – it has been tested against the industry’s very best practices!

UK Certification

Our most popular pages if you are considering certification against the UK DIATF

Click for a high level overview of our certification process in the UK

Get a quote

A Kantara Trust Mark offers assurance that certified services conform to the DIATF’s strict standards around security and privacy

 Click here to see a list of the clients we have certified under the UK government’s DIATF.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? The chances are someone has already asked it before! Here’s a list of the most common queries – if you don’t see yours, please get in touch

The UK DIATF explained

In 2021, the UK government announced that employers and landlords could use certified identity service providers (IDSPs) to carry out identity checks on their behalf. The legislation took effect on 6 April 2022.  Read what this means for relying parties and IDSPs considering certification

Certification against NIST 800-63-3

International organisations increasingly seek certification against other Trust Frameworks. Speak to us about becoming certified in the US against NIST 800-63-3


"Certification serves as of assurance a springboard to open conversations about employment verification with public bodies and the market in general."
Chris Milligan
"We want to prove who an individual is based on robust standards. Being certified against the DIATF means that our technology is fully compliant with the UK government's guidance.
Huzefa Olio
Chief Operations Officer

Our Staff

David Nutbrown

Head of Regulatory Compliance

James Keenan

Head of Certification Delivery

Karyn Bright

Communications Lead