Assessor Spotlight – Kuma

We were motivated to join Kantara for one simple reason: we believe whole heartedly in the framework and believe in a future in which identity federation is a reality.

1. In which sector(s) and country(ies) do you operate?

Kuma engages customers across the globe in markets including banking, mobile network operators, Health IT providers and government organizations just to state a few examples.  Our Privacy business heavily focuses on advisory services and assessment, we offer hands on Cyber Security expertise and our Digital Identity line focuses on advisory services, market development and go-to-market strategies.

2. What is your current market focus and what needs and areas of concern does your service/product address?

There are 3 areas currently showing great interest from our customers including (1) our proven ability to help large organizations stand up “virtual Chief Privacy Officers” and Privacy Offices as they bring privacy engineering and best practices into their executive management structure.  (2)  Assessments are on the rise including Kantara, security and privacy related topics.  Finally, (3) we are enjoying a growing interest in the ability to support the introduction of next generation identity solution to market by players across segments.

3. In what ways does your service/product push beyond the state-of- the- art?

In many ways, the market is still reaching to achieve the promise of high assurance identity online.  Our leadership team have unmatched experience with the policies, early market solutions and have heard the voice of the market firsthand specific to the challenges to be overcome.  Our ability to blend security, privacy and identity into one comprehensive offering has been well received within the industry. We are a highly networked, respected, motivated and high-performing team that is primed to ensure you can achieve your goals as they relate to Privacy, Security and Digital Identity.

4. Where do you see the market trending in the mid/long term and how do you see your product/service playing into it?

The market continues offering identity services from 3 main areas including banking institutions, Mobile Network Operators and finally Government Agencies.   Kuma leaders have enjoyed long-term engagements, positions of leadership and in some cases led the development of specific solutions that will lead the market.  It is for these reasons that our team is uniquely positioned to advise and prepare any organization for long-term success.  Getting identity right is about asking the correct questions, evaluating the visionary value of the options and making sure there is more than 1 path to success.  Kuma has the firsthand experience to position any organization for success.

5. Why were you motivated to join Kantara Initiative and how do you see it helping your organization specifically, and the digital economy as a whole?

We were motivated to join very early for one for one simple reason…  “We believe whole heartedly in the framework and believe in a future in which identity federation is a reality.”  The Kuma partners have been hands on leaders working with NIST, the White House NSTIC policy, a variety of NIST Grant investments, Identity Ecosystem Steering Group and other efforts that demonstrate that perspective.  We came together as a team to drive these principles in the market.

6. What other significant aspects about your organization (service/product) should our global community know about?

Kuma transfers the experience and credibility described above into client value with little interference.  We believe in streamlined engagements that lack the unnecessary burden and overheads that typically  dilute client value in traditional engagements.  When your organization engages with Kuma, you can look forward to working with strong/capable team members that have been empowered to lead.  We are a team like no other as we assemble the right people, subject matter expertise, focus on doing the right thing and ultimately developing relationships that endure.

For more information on Kuma, visit