Partner Spotlight – Digital Identity New Zealand

In July 2020, Digital Identity New Zealand and Kantara signed an MOU to collaborate on a range of activities for the advancement of the Mission of both organizations. We asked them to share their views about the identity industry.

1. What’s the elevator pitch for DINZ?

We are all about trustworthy collaboration on digital identity and personal information.  We recognise that our online experience traverses an ecosystem of providers, platforms and technologies, and that effective collaboration and interoperability is key to better customer interactions and increased productivity.  We believe that Identity is taonga (a Maori word meaning something precious and valued) – it is a treasure worthy of dignity, respect and care.  This principle guides our collaborative efforts.

2. How is DINZ  and its members experiencing and reacting to the current global situation?

Digital Identity NZ’s 2020 research survey has found that there is a growing awareness of the way in which our personal information is harvested and used by organisations and technology providers, coupled with a high degree of anger and disappointment about the widespread sale and sharing of that information. 91% of New Zealanders desire a greater level of control over their identity and personal information, and we are calling on organisations and their technology providers to take a greater share of responsibility.  As organisations we have done an excellent job in raising awareness of some of the risks and challenges associated with our highly connected world, yet we are placing too heavy a burden on people to protect themselves without adjusting our systems and processes to make it easier for them to understand and take action.

3. How do you see the effects of the pandemic impacting digital identity beyond 2020?

Our research shows that more and more people are looking to online interactions first, rather than face to face.  Two thirds of New Zealanders indicated that their first point of call is now online.  Enabling that online interaction is a primary function of digital identity, and it is becoming increasingly important for all organisations to engage online, be they large and small, commercial, academic or community.

4. What’s high on DINZ’s agenda right now?

The management of identity and personal information is increasingly reliant on a trustworthy ecosystem of participants, adhering not only to technical and security standards, but also embracing principles of Kāwanatanga (Honourable Governance), Rangatiratanga (Self Determination & Agency), Ōritetanga (Equity & Partnership) and freedom of choice and expression. Building a trustworthy community of practice is a key activity for us.  This is even more pertinent given the New Zealand Government’s emerging work on a legislated Trust Framework for digital identity.  We are working closely with the agency responsible for developing the new framework, seeking collaborative action to refine and build a trustworthy ecosystem.

Find out more…

• Our 2020 Research is here
• And our 2019 edition is here

For more information on Digital Identity, visit