SAML 2.0 Full Matrix Test Event Registration Now Open

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the SAML 2.0 Full Matrix Test Event. The deadline for registration for this event is September 13, 2010.
Expanding on the highly successful Liberty Interoperable™ Program, the Kantara Initiative Interoperability Test Program is designed to certify interoperability of products and technologies across multiple identity-related protocols and standards, including SAML 2.0, InfoCard, OpenID, ID-WSF and elements of the WS-* stack (WS-Security, WS-Trust, WS-Federation).
The first Test Event scheduled to occur is the SAML 2.0 Full Matrix Test event. This event will reference the soon to come Kantara Initiative SAML 2.0 Test Plan, the eGovernment SAML Implementation Profile v2.0 and the eGovernment SAML Implementation Profile v1.5.
The test event will take place on-line starting September 20th and running through November 5th, 2010. The fee for this event is $16,000 USD. The Test Event will be operated by our partners the Drummond Group Incorporated.
Register for the event at our SAML 2.0 Test Event Registration page.

Details on the event and reference documents visit the SAML 2.0 Full Matrix Event Details page.
For answers to questions regarding the SAML 2.0 Full Matrix Test Event send us an inquiry via our Contact Us form.
By taking part in this event participants will be further assuring market trust in the interoperability of their implementations through the Kantara Initiative Interoperability Certification Program. We look forward to your inquiries and participation.