Category Uncategorized

Proving that ID Cards can't be cracked

Thanks to @cheshire_puss for the pointer to this ZDNet article about Home Office plans to “engage with the industry to show that we have a ‘gold standard’ card which cannot be changed, modified or cloned”. On one level, I’m delighted…

Matthew Gardiner with CA Blogs: Kantara Initiative Takes an Important Step to Formalizing the Establishment of Trust on the Internet – Greasing the Skids of Inter-Organizational Commerce

The Kantara Initiative yesterday announced the formation of the Identity Assurance Review Board (ARB).  This is a tangible example of the Kantara Initiative delivering on the non-technology related, identity meta-issues that I alluded to in my last Kantara Initiative blog.…

Is 118800 a red herring?

You know what? I’m actually starting to feel twinges of sympathy for the folks at Connectivity. There are two pieces in the Guardian devoted to the suspension of their mobile directory enquiries services, one from yesterday and one from today.…

The relentless march of progress

March 2006 – UK introduces RFID-enabled, ICAO-compliant ‘e-passports’; March 2007 – Adam Laurie demonstrates ability to unlock e-passport chip data for ‘read’ access; August 2008 – Jeroen van Beek demonstrates ability to clone e-passport chip and implant bogus images; August…