

EU to legislate on cookies

UK readers will probably remember one of those legal wrangles which make for such easy satire – the protracted argument over whether a Jaffa Cake is a cake or a biscuit (for VAT purposes, of course…) It looks as though…

This one's for the Prof…

I recently attended a very engaging lecture at the London School of Economics (LSE) by Prof David Lyon – who spoke about “Identity as Surveillance – Security, Surveillance and Citizenship”. I do hope he subsequently saw this article from the…

P3WG and Levels of Assurance

As you may know, I’ve recently set up the Privacy and Public Policy Work Group (P3WG) for the Kantara Initiative, and as we start mapping out the areas in which the Group wants to exercise an influence, one topic has…

Proving that ID Cards can't be cracked

Thanks to @cheshire_puss for the pointer to this ZDNet article about Home Office plans to “engage with the industry to show that we have a ‘gold standard’ card which cannot be changed, modified or cloned”. On one level, I’m delighted…