

Abbie Barbir elected as P3WG Chair

Abbie Barbir () has just been elected by his peers to Chair the Kantara Initiative Privacy and Public Policy Work Group (). According to Abbie, the Kantara Privacy and Public Policy WG (P3WG) plays an important role in identifying the…

Where is EU Data Protection policy headed?

In Jose Manuel Barroso’s recent reshuffle of the European Commission, there were a couple of moves which bear some further inspection, from a privacy/identity perspective. The former Commissioner for Information Society, Viviane Reding, is promoted to one of the Vice…

Notes from Malmo 2009 e-Gov conference

Back in late November I Twittered from the Ministerial eGovernment Conference in Malmø (#egov2009), expressing the hope that the press release would contain a bit more substance than the keynote announcement of the Ministerial Declaration. I am delighted to say…

Kaspersky on Internet Anonymity

Noted anti-virus vendor Eugene Kaspersky has weighed extravagantly into the larger security problem, arguing that  “anonymity causes security headaches and should be outlawed <>” ().  So he wants an Internet Passport. This is surely madness.  The social repercussions are obvious,…