Tag Identity

Matthew Gardiner with CA Blogs: Kantara Initiative Takes an Important Step to Formalizing the Establishment of Trust on the Internet – Greasing the Skids of Inter-Organizational Commerce

The Kantara Initiative yesterday announced the formation of the Identity Assurance Review Board (ARB).  This is a tangible example of the Kantara Initiative delivering on the non-technology related, identity meta-issues that I alluded to in my last Kantara Initiative blog.…

An accurate (non-biometric) picture

Posted on 10th July 2009 At last, there’s an article which thoroughly exposes some of the nonsense which has been talked about ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) ‘requirements’ and biometric passports. It’s by John Lettice, writing in The Register, and…

IP@ = PII v ¬PII?

Apologies for the rather opaque title of this post. In its expanded form, it would read something like this: “IP addresses: are they personally identifiable information within the meaning of the law, or not?”… but that would be a bit…