Resilient Identifiers for Underserved Populations Work Group (RIUP WG)

Wiki Join Group Charter Participants Calendar Mail Minutes

The purpose of the Work Group is to support vulnerable and underserved populations in America. At a high level, these populations include those with physical and cognitive disabilities, or who are homeless, impoverished, senior citizens, immigrants, incarcerated, institutionalized and otherwise underserved minority groups that need digital credentials to access online resources; particularly, online healthcare and financial resources. Without an easily reusable identifier, it is nearly impossible for these individuals to gain secure access to the resources and services that may be available to them.
We will work, in collaboration with other private sector and public agencies towards establishing identifiers and access management (IAM) solutions that respect privacy, promote efficiency, limit redundancy, reduce barriers to use/adoption, increase interoperability, improve security, enhance safety and trust, eliminate identification errors, support resiliency, and achieve greater empowerment across the entire spectrum of online transactions. The RIUP WG will identify, coordinate, innovate and harmonize with ongoing and emerging identity initiatives, standards, and technologies, and communicate our findings to all relevant stakeholders, both in the US and, selectively, with other countries, under the leadership of the Kantara Initiative.

Read the full charter

: Jim Kragh and Thomas Sullivan, MD
VICE-CHAIR: Catherine Schulten
IPR POLICY: Option Non-Assertion Covenant.

We encourage you to submit queries on our contact form if you have questions regarding this group or Kantara Initiative.

This Work Group is looking for a sponsor. If your organization aligns with the Charter and goals of this Group and seeks brand association with it, please Contact Us.